Prosthodontic/Restorative Dentistry

Dental Implants

Getting a dental implant? This procedure involves inserting a small metal post into the empty socket left by a missing tooth root and replacing the damaged tooth with a crown.

Crowns and Bridges

In our doctor-directed lab, we handcraft high-quality individualized crowns and bridges for our patients. This reduces the time and risk of error involved when an outside lab technician creates the restorative parts, resulting in a more precise restoration and attractive look.


Dentures are categorized into full or partial dentures. You may need a denture if you have lost most or all of their teeth.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings are a non-invasive restorative dental treatment that is used to get unhealthy teeth back to their normal condition. Our office does not use mercury-and-silver-based amalgam fillings.

TMD Treatment

Temporo-mandibular Joint Disorder (TMD or TMJD) describes the pain and movement restriction involved with the jaw muscles and joints. We treat TMD patients with an occlusal stent for a non-aggressive approach.