Check-ups can help identify problems in your oral health before they progress to more serious stages of deterioration, and teeth cleaning is an effective way to clear out stubborn plaque.
Do you grind your teeth? Grinding your teeth (AKA bruxing) can cause a host of problems, including worn or chipped teeth, increased tooth sensitivity, increased likelihood of cavities, ear ache, headache, chronic facial pain, and muscle tightness, among other symptoms. Contact our office if you think you may have bruxism.
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which you repeatedly stop and start breathing in your sleep. People with sleep apnea often snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night’s sleep. Sleep apnea is treated in various ways, one of which involves using an oral appliance customized for the patient.
A root canal is a procedure used to repair and save a severely damaged or infected tooth. The treatment involves removal of the soft pulp inside the tooth, which is necessary for the tooth root to grow during development but is not needed for fully developed teeth. The dentist then cleans, disinfects, and shapes the root canals, and then uses a filling to seal the cavity.
Periodontal therapy aims to restore health to the gums and the bone surrounding your teeth and prevent tooth loss. Non-surgical techniques include scaling and root planing, which involve a careful deep cleaning of the surface of the tooth roots. Surgical therapies include gum grafting, periodontal plastic surgery, laser treatment, crown lengthening, and dental implants.
A tooth may be extracted for various reasons, such as making room in an overcrowded mouth or due to decay or trauma. During a tooth extraction, the dentist will typically inject a local anesthetic into your gum tissue to numb the area of extraction. In some cases, it may be necessary to use a general anesthetic that will make you sleep through the procedure.